Sunday, 15 February 2009

Church @ St. Paul's Cathedral.

For my Sociology class I had to watch a court case at Old Bailey, one of the courtrooms in the City of London.  So while I was down there working on my homework (see I do homework on this trip, obviously) I was literally RIGHT NEXT to St. Paul's Cathedral.  So after watching a British court case, which was another story in itself on how I got there, I went inside St. Paul's to look around.  Well I was there around 4:30 and I saw there was a public church service at 5! Perfect!  I got to go to church @ St. Paul's Cathedral!  It was sooo pretty inside.  St. Paul's was the same church Princess Di and Charles married in, just a side note.  The service was wonderful and the preach, pastor, whatever they call it here, was a woman who talked about love & duty.  It was such a good service and I am defintley going back sometime.  I didn't know this before but St. Paul's has 4 services a day and also 4 services each Sunday!  Although I got some great pictures of the outside I couldn't take any pictures of the inside.  I guess I'll have to go back to the gift shop and buy some postcards =]

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