Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Q. So what is there to do in London on a Tuesday when you don't have class?


So since today was PRESIDENT Obama's Inauguration Day, Madame Tussauds Wax Museum was offering free admission to Americans in London.  Of course any college kid is going to go to something when it's FREE, so we woke up early, beat the crowd and took a billion pictures with our favorite [wax] stars.  You would think posing by manequins wouldn't be that fun...but, it is! We had a blast making obnoxious faces next to our favorites.  I got a couple priceless pictures...I tried to put my favorites ones below.

Later on in the night some of us Americans got together in our friend's flat to watch the Obama Inauguration and order pizza.  It was kind of sad being out of the States on such a historical day for America but then again, it was neat being in London and seeing what the rest of the world, particularly England, said about Obama becoming president and such.   All in all, it was a fun day and I think I will be going back to Madame Tussauds at least one more time before I leave London.

(That means I'm taking YOU Diana.  Start practicing your posing!)

Us at the Obama Party!!!
The reason we got to go to Madame Tussauds: President Obama.  Here we are in the Oval House.
Jim Carey is hilarious!  We just hit it off instantly.
Spiderman, spiderman....this one is for you, Craig!

Okay so Drew Barrymore's wax model didn't totally look like herself.
I told her 'Once a cheater, always a cheater.'
Hanging out with my pal, Julia!
Some people think Tom is crazy, but I think he's just charming!

Me and my new friends waiting for Madame Tussauds to open!
The wax-going crowd.

1 comment:

  1. Hey - on the national news tonight, there was a reporter in London reporting about how people there were responding to the inauguration of the US president and they mentioned that Americans got in free today @ Madame Tussauds. They interviewed a few Americans standing by the wax Obama - I looked for you! Great pics and commentary!!! :-) Did you snack on crumpets @ your Obama party?
